Bolton personal trainer Lewis Kirby took own life after sending messages to partner

A PERSONAL trainer took his own life after sending messages to his girlfriend about having suicidal thoughts, an inquest was told.

Lewis John Horrocks, who also went by the surname Kirby, was found hanged by his family at his flat on Reed Close, Farnworth on April 2.

An inquest into his death at Bolton Coroners Court heard how the 28-year-old struggled with a number of mental and behavioural issues since around 2015.

In the days and weeks before he died, he had confided in his stepdad Lee Kirby, sisters Lauren and Darcy, and his “on and off” girlfriend Remi Hilton about wanting to end his own life, the court heard.

And in the middle of the night before his death, he sent messages and pictures to Remi - hinting that he was going to kill himself.

On the evening of April 1, Lewis went out with his friend Donovan Holmes, who he later got into a fight with.

He then returned home after midnight on April 2, before getting into a further confrontation with his mum Lisa. He stormed out his family home before returning to his own flat, where he was later pronounced dead by paramedics.

Lewis' sister Darcy visited his flat on the morning of April 2, and became concerned about him when he wouldn't answer his door.

She said: "I heard the dog barking so I became really worried. Then I called my stepdad and he arrived with a ladder, and climbed up to the first storey and found Lewis."

Lewis' stepdad Lee told the court: “Lewis had trust issues from a previous relationship when he was cheated on, which made him quite depressed.

"He would always get to a certain stage in a relationship, and then problems would arise.

"He would often take cocaine and Diazepam in the evenings by himself as a way of coping and numbing the pain."

Lewis previously sent Remi, his "on and off" girlfriend of four months, messages saying: "I'm trying to fix myself. I will not see you until I am totally fixed.

"You made me realise what life is again. Please don't give up on me."

Mental health professionals said Lewis had admitted spending hundreds of pounds on cocaine at any one time, and drinking up to four or five bottles of wine a night.

Police coroner’s officer Julie Ann Hyde confirmed that there were no suspicious circumstances or evidence of third-party involvement found at the scene of Lewis' death.

Dr Justin Okongye, who conducted a post mortem examination at Royal Bolton Hospital, gave the medical cause of death as one of hanging.

While forensic toxicologist Julie Evans found traces of alcohol in his system, which were around one a half times the legal drink driving limit - as well as levels of cocaine which would be “consistent with recreational use”.

The court also heard how Mr Kirby had previously been detained under the mental health act after being found walking around the Kearsley roundabout area, and confronting people, back on February 15.

Area coroner Alan Walsh, who recorded a conclusion of suicide, told the court: "A lot of Mr Kirby’s problems related to alcohol, cocaine and behavioural problems which affected his state of mind.

"It seems that one of the main problems Lewis had was asking for help when he needed it.

"I believe that on the balance of probabilities, he intended to take his own life. So I will record a conclusion of suicide.

"Lewis was 28 years of age. He showed how good he was in terms of the volunteer work he did with vulnerable young people through the charity Heartlift.

"He was a good man, but he had lots of inner demons. And he was lucky to have the support of his family and his girlfriend."

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