From the Archives 1954 Dashing Bulldogs grand final victory over Melbourne

By Percy Beames September 13, 2021 â€" 11.12am

First published in The Age, September 27, 1954.


1954 Premiership Won Decisively

Footscray’s captain Charlie Sutton leads the team out.

Footscray’s captain Charlie Sutton leads the team out.Credit:The Age Archives

Doubling Melbourne’s score, Footscray took its first League premiership by winning the 1954 grand final at the M.C.G. on Saturday.

The score was 15.12 (102) to 7.9 (51). Footscray left nothing to chance and held mastery from start to finish.

Fierce determination and even team-work proved decisively that the Bulldogs are well worthy of the season’s honors.

Ever since the inspiring Charlie Sutton took over as coach, Footscray has been building towards this end.

Melbourne failed because, on the day, it met players who held an edge in ability in most parts of the ground.

Only once were the Demons able to issue some sort of a challenge to the superior might of the Bulldogs.

This was in the second term â€" but when that energy-sapping effort failed to bring forth needed results, the Demons proved easy prey to the fresher, fitter and better equipped Footscray.

No one can begrudge Footscray a richly deserved triumph. Ever since the inspiring Charlie Sutton took over as coach, Footscray has been building towards this end.

Before Sutton, Footscray had several times made a run at the finals, but always lacked that deadliness of purpose to finish off the efforts.

Big Future

Working untiringly and enthusiastically on the young players as they have matured, Sutton has been able to convince his men that they have the ability to perform football deeds with completeness.

As well as that, the experience of reaching and playing in the final last year has stood behind the players in building up confidence.

Now the time has come when Footscray has banded together the best football combination ever to represent the district.

Being so well furnished with youth, yet possessed of well established experience, Footscrayâ€"with a large and ever-growing area to call on for playersâ€"now seems destined to become a league football power for many years.

The success of power teams in football is built around talented goal-to-goal lines, strong dominating rucks and clever and incisive roving.

The more support that can be given that structure by cleverness from the flanks, the greater the capacity of the team.

Footscray had all those assets on Saturday against Melbourne, and used them with purpose and persistency.

A sea of hats, suits and ties and best frocks. An immaculately dressed crowd watches the game.

A sea of hats, suits and ties and best frocks. An immaculately dressed crowd watches the game.Credit:Staff photographer

Early Burst

A crowd of 82,697 watched the grand final.

Such was the intensity of purpose behind the Bulldogs’ play that, after Noel Clarkeâ€"the Melbourne full-forwardâ€"had scored the opening goal from a good kick. Footscray for the rest of the quarter kicked 6.1 to Melbourne’s 3 points.

And all that scoring was piled on against the wind, with football of a match-winning quality that nonplussed Melbourne.

In that dazzling first quarter display, full forward Jack Collins demonstrated the value a great full forward is to a team. He kicked three goals.

Melbourne full - back Lance Arnold held Collins fairly well after that, but by then the damage had been done.

The drive that smashed the resistance of the Melbourne defence sprang from the ruck work of Stevens and Edwards, the roving of Kerr, the wing play of McCarthy the cleverness at centre half-forward of Box and the dominancy of Ross in the centre.

Six Behind

Before Melbourne could get into stride, Collins, receiving a pass from Kerr, goaled again, to leave Melbourne trailing by six goals.

Then, until Lance Arnold in defence made a mistake to allow Charlie Sutton in for an easy goal that steadied the Bulldogs, the Demons had Footscray under pressure.

Cordner got on top in the ruck, McLean became a factor with his wing play. Barassi was a driving force and the two rovers Albiston and Spencer were frequently under notice.

Melbourne called on both Case and Williams to run on the ball to build up momentum at this stage.

But Melbourne was never able to take the offensive after half time.

The Demons tried to maintain pace by continuing the policy of using reliefs in Barassi. Case, Williams and Johnson with Cordnerâ€"but without effect.

Footscray steal the ball from Barassi.

Footscray steal the ball from Barassi.Credit:Staff photographer

Case and Williams tired with the extra exertions demanded of them.

Cordner, left on the ball for the whole of the second half, became a weary and defensive player.

Sutton Proves Worth

As the pace of the game died, Sutton’s weight and strength told up forward for the Bulldogs.

His two majors, won by grit and strength, left Melbourne trailing by six goals at the last change.

Desperation changes, in which McGivern and Clark changed places in attack, Mithen took over the centre from Melville, and Lane went to a half-forward flank, were rung by Melbourne.

The Demons, though, had too many weaknesses to gather force enough to constitute any sort of threat.

Footscray, on the other hand was able to attack from the rucks, the rovers or straight down the centre through its goal-to-goal line.

The combined power and strength of four tall and husky followers in Stevens, Edwards, Gilmore and Bryden never allowed Cordner to call the tune on behalf of Melbourne.

Footscray’s Jack Collins marks over Melbourne’s Lance Arnold.

Footscray’s Jack Collins marks over Melbourne’s Lance Arnold.Credit:Staff photographer

Besides that, those Footscray ruckmen were prominent in the air, to pull down marks that gave respite or helped to initiate attacks.

Ross, too strong for Melville, lent aid to those followers around the centre. With the help of Reynolds, who outpointed Lane on the wing, he gave Footscray the advantage of a winning centre line.


Centre half-forward Peter Box had little on Melbourne’s Noel McMahen, who fought against obvious soreness and pain.

But the play of Box helped consolidate a successful forward line that was notable for its discipline.

Every forward played to his position. When opportunity presented itself, he did his best to develop and cultivate the brilliant full-forward.

As a rover, Kerr, Footscray’s most improved player, was Melbourne’s greatest menace. He was always doing something concrete.

Melbourne’s direct road to goals was barred by the dash and marking ability of Whitten at centre halt-back, who completely overshadowed McGivern.

When Whitten was passed, Melbourne was blunted by the steady and often brilliant marking of Brydenâ€"too strong for Johnsonâ€"or Henderson.

Players leap for the ball.

Players leap for the ball. Credit:Staff photographer

Key Gaps

Because it fell down in key positions, where it either dominated or controlled play against Geelong, Melbourne did not look the same side this week.

The gaps left in the centre and at centre hall-forward forced the Demons into attacking flank movements, but these were without weight of numbers or real penetration.

Noel Clarke’s only worthwhile feeders were the play of Laurie Mithen at half-forward and the prospects opened up by Ian McLean, who finished up with a balance of power over Ron McCarthy.

As a combination, Cordner and Barassi battled out the day in the ruck The Demons, however, fell down for the want of solid relief followers.

Melbourne’s half-back line of Collins, McMahen and Williams never gave up under pressure. It was never, though, as consistent nor as dashing as that of Footscray.

Arnold, at full-back, worked hard, but could not prevent Collins from kicking seven goals.

Though they failed to extend Footscray in the way that was hoped for, the Demons need not be disheartened. Taken over the whole season, they have done extremely well.

F’SCRAY 6.3 8.5 12.9 13.12 (102)

MELB. 1.4 4.6 6.7 7.9 (51)

Goals.â€" FOOTSCRAY: Collins 7, Sutton 3, Kerr, Stevens, Duffy, Reynolds, Stockman. MELBOURNE: Clarke, Barassi, Spencer, Mithen, McLean, Johnson, Albiston.

Best.â€" FOOTSCRAY: Kerr, Bryden, Ross, Collins. Whitten, Reynolds. MELBOURNE: Cordner, Collins, Barassi. Mithen, McLean, Albiston.

Free Kicks. â€" MELBOURNE: 13, 10, 4, 3â€"29. FOOTSCRAY: 11. 8. 4, 4â€"27.

Marks. â€" FOOTSCRAY: 15, 10, 23, 20â€"68. MELBOURNE: 11, 11, 13, 17â€"52.

Replacements. â€" Lane (Melbourne), cramp, by Dixon; Barassi, cramp, by Adams.

Attendance. â€" 80,897; receipts, £ 12,103 85.

Umpire. â€" McMurray.

Final Stars

JOHN KERR (Footscray). â€" Constantly initiating attacks through clever roving, John Kerr was a telling factor in the Footscray attacking play all day.

Kerr showed splendid judgment with baffling balks and twisting turns to weave out of trouble. He never failed to finish off his work with effective disposal.

DENIS CORDNER (Melbourne). â€" Against superior forces, Denis Cordner battled hard all day to try and hold together Melbourne’s beaten rucks. In the last half he played through without leaving the ball for a rest.

It was his safe marking and determined ruck play that allowed Melbourne to stage some kind of a revival in the second quarter.

How Age sporting cartoonist Sam Wells saw the victory.

How Age sporting cartoonist Sam Wells saw the victory.Credit:Sam Wells

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