Berejiklians personal life relevant to issue of trust

November 1, 2021 â€" 12.10amIllustration: Kate Moon

Illustration: Kate MoonCredit:Fairfax Media

Contrary to what Peter Breen claims (Letters, October 30-31), it was totally appropriate for counsel assisting the ICAC Scott Robertson to examine the personal relationship between Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire. In doing so, Robertson successfully exposed Berejiklian’s main leadership flaws as premier: her inability to see that she could ever be wrong, and her remarkable ability to spin herself out of a difficult situation. Under her premiership, good sporting stadiums were demolished, valuable public properties sold off to balance the budget, pork-barrelling was endorsed, pandemic response blunders were made. No one who listens to those taped conversations has any doubt about what was going on. Perhaps Berejiklian was not making any personal gain or breaking any law; but by most people’s standards, she was breaching the trust we placed in her as our leader. And this is why she was not fit to be our premier. - Pam Timms, Suffolk Park

Illustration by Matt Golding.

Illustration by Matt Golding.Credit:Sydney Morning Herald

Peter Breen claims that “the only question for the ICAC should be whether Berejiklian personally enriched herself or Maguire as a consequence of the government approving projects for Wagga Wagga”. The ICAC’s definition is much broader. The question is: did Berejiklian have any understanding of real or potential conflicts of interest as a result of her dalliance with Maguire? The answer clearly is “no”, and her refusal to accept this (she would have done the same even now, she claims) underlines how unsuitable she was as premier. - David Gordon, Cranebrook

The term “potential conflict of interest” is problematic. If a private interest has the potential to influence the performance of a public duty, that is a conflict of interest. It is not a potential conflict of interest. The conflict exists whether the influence is brought to bear or not. This is not mere semantics. It is substantive.

If a politician or a business person or a public servant has a conflict of interest according to the above definition and they regard it as ‘inactive’ for some reason, they will or may feel at liberty to leave it undeclared. It is for others to determine whether the private interest or motivation is actually influencing that person’s performance of their public or corporate duty but the determination cannot be made in ignorance of the conflict. - Keith Betts, Pennant Hills

It may have taken ICAC to show us that Berejiklian was naive in matters of the heart but all it took was her talent on the floor of Parliament to show us that she was smart as a tack with a mind like a steel trap when it came to running the state. The time has come for us to stop genuflecting at the altar of St Gladys, wish her well, send her off to a well-deserved holiday and then let her be welcomed back into the arms of all the business bosses lining up to employ a smart woman with all the qualities they admire. - Max Fischer, Wollongong

Malcolm Knox has given us a valuable reflection on the life and times of Gladys Berejiklian (“Berejiklian’s private shame collided with public duty”, October 30-31). Only by lying to herself could she maintain a relationship with Maguire and allow herself to be compromised by him. She could not tell the truth to others because she was not telling the truth to herself. In her heart, she knew the relationship had neither “substance” nor “status”. Dostoyevsky wrote: “People who lie to themselves and listen to their own lie come to such a pass they cannot distinguish the truth within them, or around them and so lose all respect for themselves and for others.” - Mark Porter, New Lambton

I am not a supporter of the Coalition, but I am troubled that Berejiklian may be yet another in a long line of sacrificial female politicians. - Noelene Brasche, Killcare

That Berejiklian was having a “close personal relationship”, or a friendship of any kind, meant that it should have been declared. The result has been a regional area which has obtained massive funding to the detriment of other rural regions â€" such as our Dungog Shire â€" which has been promised road funding at every election, only to have it withdrawn. Congratulations to our NSW ICAC and the diligence of counsel assisting, Scott Robertson, for bringing this lack of transparency to our notice. - Linda Bowden, Munni

The question is not solely did Berejiklian and/or Maguire enrich themselves. When they took their positions, they vowed to lead for all people in NSW. If Wagga Wagga got more than its share, and it appears it did, then others must have received less than they deserved. - Diana Ryall, Birchgrove

I have little if any interest in Gladys and Daryl’s past private lives but it baffles me considerably if, as they say, it was a deep and intimate relationship, how the hell did they so successfully keep it secret? - Ron Brown, Wallsend

If Brad Hazzard had been in a secret relationship with the premier, the Northern Beaches Hospital may be government-run, as once promised. - Denis Goodwin, Dee Why

Exporting emissions compounds our culpability

Peter Hartcher (“Zero sum game could reward Libs”, October 30-31) says one of the Nationals’ conditions is that “Scope 3 emissions” will not be counted in Australia’s net zero commitment. As Australia is one of the world’s largest exporters of fossil fuels, Scope 3 emissions (that is, the greenhouse gas emissions from our exported fossil fuels) pose a huge dilemma, certainly too big an issue for Barnaby Joyce to dismiss as non-negotiable.

The uncomfortable reality is that all Australians, from politicians to common citizens, are complicit in the climate-destroying habit of fossil fuel exports. Australia is as addicted as the large overseas users who smoke the stuff. And we cannot rely on the dealer’s excuse “we only supply high-quality product”, which just prolongs the problem.

As a minimum, Australia should say no to all new coal mines and gas wells, and we should accelerate the great work towards a green hydrogen future. -Rob Firth, Cremorne Point

It comes as no surprise that Scott Morrison has refused to phase out coal mining and coal burning in Australia as part of his net zero by 2050 commitment. This decision is anchored in our obscure and unfair political donations regime. - Richard Edmonds, Balcolyn

Angus Taylor has yet to detail why his government’s target of net zero is so predicated on technology that is expensive, doesn’t exist or has failed â€" carbon capture and storage especially. Averted land clearing and CCS are just sneaky ways of fostering polluting as usual. I can already see the heads shaking at COP26. - Julius Timmerman, Lawson

It’s obvious that Operation Climate CoverButt is in operation (“Gates book led PM to take a second look at net zero”, October 30-31). Yep, we may have to manage 2030 vs 2050, but new coal and gas approvals, an inland rail spur to the Galilee Basin, rejection of economically efficient carbon charging, refusal to act with the US on methane while siding with India and China on coal, and more just prove it’s a cover. Maybe enough for an election win and a civilisational loss. - Eric Pozza, Red Hill (ACT)

Thank heavens for Simon Holmes a Court and Climate 200 pushing for more independents like Zali Steggall and Helen Haines to hold the rest of them to account. - Gary Barnes, Mosman

Why would anybody buy an electric car (“Buyers baulk at high cost of electric cars”, October 30-31)? The price is practically double the cost of an internal combustion engine car. There are no charging facilities for cars parked in the street, the kilometre range before recharging is minimal and the charging time is excessive. Until these issues are resolved, driving an EV is just virtue signalling for wealthy elites. - Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

Norway has an outstanding success in the uptake of electric vehicles. Why aren’t some of our politicians clamouring to travel there on fact-finding-missions to see how it is done? - Marjie Williamson, Blaxland

Say no to voter suppression

In 1986, the Hawke Government’s proposal to introduce an “Australia card” met with vehement opposition. In the 1987 anti-campaign, the Liberal and National parties led a ragbag of dissidents which included trade unionists and even communists. Inevitably the proposal was described as “un-Australian” and “socialist”. The enabling bill was lost in the Senate (“Voter ID laws on the cards ahead of next federal election,” October 30-31).

Now the Coalition government proposes requiring voters to carry photo ID when presenting at polling places. The only apparent effect will be to suppress voting among the disadvantaged, such as Indigenous voters in remote communities. The argument that it will deter voter fraud was dismissed by the latest findings of the Commonwealth Parliament’s Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters. If the Government’s proposal became law, citizens entitled to vote and on the roll could be turned away without casting their vote. This is, quite simply, the same tactic used by Republican governors to make voting by African-Americans more difficult, and it should be resisted. - Philip Thorniley, Broughton Vale

How is it possible to have compulsory voting and then when you turn up to vote if you haven’t got identification you can’t vote? - Kay Blanch, Kareela

I fail to understand the objection to voter ID at federal elections, or any election for that matter. How is anyone disenfranchised by such a measure, having to prove who you are before you enter the polling booth? - George Hamor, Potts Point

Democratic concerns

Thanks, Joan Brown (Letters, October 30-31). It’s sobering to be reminded that, despite all this government’s monumental faults, at least it won’t invade our homes. This is surely the absolute minimum expectation of an Australian government, even if it were true â€" which it is not. In June 2019, the AFP raided the home of journalist Annika Smethurst. The raid appears to have been purely intimidatory. No charges were ever laid. Hooray for democracy. The homes of ex-ACT Attorney-General Bernard Collaery and his client Witness K were raided by ASIO in 2013 as they were preparing a case against the Australian government on behalf of Timor-Leste. Both men have since been subjected to secret trials at the request of this government. Yes, secret trials. Hooray for democracy. I’m reminded of Scott Morrison’s comment on the women’s march on parliament earlier this year. It’s a triumph, he told us, because they weren’t being shot. Hooray for democracy. - Len Keating, Balmain East

So, no one has to worry about the dreaded 3am banging on the door and being dragged away? Really? I guess your correspondent doesn’t know about the Australian security laws that allow just that, and further punishment to anyone who mentions what has happened. - Victor Marshall, Meander (TAS)

Your correspondent says that we are lucky we can criticise our political leaders without fear. However, there is a certain ex-deputy premier who managed to persuade a certain police minister and/or commissioner to use the fixated persons squad no less, to arrest the producer of a popular YouTube satirical channel because they were saying things about him that weren’t nice. The police then tried to get some of these videos withdrawn, but fortunately, the judge said the case was ridiculous and threw it out. We need to be vigilant to ensure we can be always free to praise or criticise politicians without fearing that early morning knock on the door. - Nick Sharp, Warrawong

Resignation reality

Can anyone tell me when the NSW state byelections will be held? By my calculation, there are at least five and possibly nine. Those MPs who have announced their resignation are Berejiklian, Barilaro, Constance, Gibbons and McKay. Evidently, none of the five MPs who have said they have resigned have actually done so and are still drawing a salary. What is going on? - Bruce Welch, Marrickville

Vaccine generosity

As Australia’s full vaccination rate goes up to 80 per cent shortly and we are now preparing to provide for third booster jabs, poorer nations are still struggling to vaccinate their people (“Wealthy nations must step up to share vaccines”, October 30-31). Our closest neighbour, Papua New Guinea, has only managed to vaccinate 1.5 per cent of its 10 million inhabitants. And we have surplus vaccines. No one’s safe until we are all safe. I recall a tale about a farmer who had developed a high-yielding, pest-resistant crop. But rather than keep the crop to himself, he shared it with all his neighbours. When asked why he did not keep it for himself, he replied: “If I had done that, pretty soon I too would be plagued with pests and would suffer from poor harvest. Now, everyone is happy.” - Felix Orcullo, Wahroonga

Delay the free-for-all

The NSW government is considering pushing back the reopening date for unvaccinated people (“NSW weighs up 95% rate for reopening to unvaccinated”, October 30-31). Yes, please, at least until 12 to 16-year-olds have a higher rate and until five to 12-year-olds can be vaccinated. The unvaccinated have now had ample time, availability and choice of vaccine and have chosen not to vaccinate. Hold back their extra freedoms until school finishes for the year, or after Christmas, or even after the school holidays are over so that families can have that time with reduced risk of COVID-19. - Kerrie Graham, Beecroft

Jacaranda queen

Regarding Robin Powell’s article (“The magic and myth-making of Sydney’s jacarandas”, October 29) there is no mention of Sister Irene Haxton of Jacaranda Private Maternity Hospital (now Jacaranda Nursing Home). The story of how Sister Haxton gave a jacaranda seed to the mother of every baby born at her hospital in Woolooware, leading to a proliferation of the beautiful trees in the Sutherland shire, is well known. It is a favourite subject for locals, especially those whose trees are still flowering from the 1950s and ’60s. Nothing mysterious or mythical about Sister Haxton but our trees are definitely magical. - Lyn Scaysbrook, Bonnet Bay

Vale, past greats

One of the downsides of getting old is that people who entertained you in your youth start dying. This week it was Ashley Mallet, Alan Davidson and now Bert Newton (“TV icon Bert Newton dies aged 83”, October 31). All great Australians, may they rest in peace. - Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Veteran cricketer Alan Davidson visited the country town where I was a very green cadet journalist in the early 1970s. I had abysmal knowledge of cricket, but was tasked with interviewing him. It was akin to sending the apprentice to buy a tin of striped paint. I will never forget his kindness to me in supplying the answers to questions I didn’t know to ask. He was a gentleman. - Helen Atkins, Hamilton South

XXXX gold

I’ve seen it spelt as “vacced”, but it doesn’t look right. How about “vaxed” for those with one jab, “vaxxed” if you’ve had your second, and “vaxxxed” when you get the booster shot? - Barry Riley, Woy Woy

Relive the live

Live music in shopfronts is nothing new (“Throwing out the rule book: shopfronts to become Sydney’s latest live music venues”: October 30-31). In the early 70s, CBD boutiques such as the In Shoppe on Park St and Mr John and Merivale on Pitt St had live bands playing on a Saturday morning. One could regularly see bands like The Zoot and The La De Da. It was a gas, man. - Nick Andrews, Bellevue Hill

The Digital View

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
“The G20 might give Morrison a chance to heal the rift with Macron”
From CrankyJack: “In the end, upsetting France is collateral damage in this disaster that (apparently) shackles us to a dead empire (UK) and a dying empire (USA) and commits us (apparently) to war with China. What do we do when (not if) the USA withdraws from the western pacific, leaving it to China? The submarines are irrelevant.”

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