Toby Greene verdict LIVE updates GWS star fronts tribunal over making contact with umpire

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  • This time to determine the penalty, having already found Greene guilty.

    Greene may have to leave now with the GWS team because they are flying to WA shortly.

    Gleeson’s submission to the jury: “You’ve found that he has intentionally breached the rule.

    “You have rejected his repeated insistence that his act was not intentional.

    “Your submission should say to anyone who plays the game ‘do not do this.’”

    Gleeson says Greene must be suspended for no less than six weeks.

    Ihle agrees that “general deterrence looms large”.

    Ihle arguing that an appropriate sanction would be a “severe financial penalty”.

    Ihle says a fine of $20,000-$25,000 would be appropriate. He compares it to James Hird’s fine for comments about umpire Scott McLaren in 2004.

    Howie reads out jury’s findings: “Greene had a full view of the umpire...he was looking straight at the umpire. The umpire was stationary. Jury finds Greene’s conduct was disrespectful, demonstrative and aggressive.”

    It’s been about half an hour of deliberation so far.

    A reminder that this case was held in an unusual morning slot because the Giants are flying from Tassie to WA later today.

    After almost three hours of the hearing, the jury have been sent out (virtually to a separate meeting room) to deliberate.

    Tribunal chairman Ross Howie gives some last-minute guidance to the jury.

    He notes that the evidence of Greene and Stevic, as well as the visual evidence from the film can all be taken into account when determining whether Greene acted intentionally.

    The jury must decide whether Greene’s conduct whether was forceful, disrespectful, demonstrative or aggressive.

    If any of those four boxes are ticked, Greene must be found guilty, Howie says.

    But the list is not exhaustive; in other words the jury could still find Greene’s conduct intentional even if none of those four listed descriptions are met.

    Howie tells the jury not to take into account media coverage of the case.

    “It’s true, it’s not a good look, it’s a terrible look,” Ihle said.

    “But the element that’s in that Toby Greene intended to make contact.

    “There really is no dispute about the umpire’s account.”

    Ihle adds that the reason Greene came so close to Stevic was because of the noise in the vicinity.

    “The look might be bad it’s only one part of a much more nuanced, multi-layered and complex jigsaw puzzle.”

    Gleeson (acting for AFL): “Umpires are untouchable. It’s fundamental to our game.

    “Nothing is more important to the game.

    “Toby Greene broke that rule.

    “Critically, he did it because he was angry.

    “It’s a binary proposition really, he either intended to do it, or he didn’t.”

    “It was insolent and it was contemptuous,” Gleeson says of Greene’s actions.

    “Toby Greene’s enraged, Matt Stevic is calm, respectful, defuses it.”

    “I wasn’t swearing at him, I used a swear word...especially during an AFL game, I do use a lot of swear words.”

    Greene maintains that he wasn’t angry during the incident nor that he intended to make contact with Stevic.

    Gleeson claims “you actually move closer towards him.”

    Greene disagrees.

    Gleeson claims Greene went out of his way to walk into Stevic. Greene again disagrees.

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